Trolls seem to be taking their summer holidays on this blog. Might I remind them of the comments policy? Since I’m bored by their typical holiday making
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Most people in Isle of Man want a referendum on VAT deal with UK
Isle of Man Today reports: A LARGE majority of the Isle of Man’s voters would like to see a referendum on any future proposals the
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You want morality in the boardroom David Cameron? Try these five ideas for starters
David Cameron has said this morning: In the highest offices, the plushest boardrooms, the most influential jobs, we need to think about the example we
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At least I’m not the only one who senses the magnitude of what we’re facing: Larry Elliott does too
I have this vague feeling that far too few people have a sense of the crisis we’re facing in our economy and society. Cameron et al
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Osborne – tax benefits for the rich, no benefits at all for others
The sickness in our society could not be better illustrated by two contrasting headlines. From the Mail: George Osborne confirms intent to end 50p tax because it is ‘uncompetitive’
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The Isle of Man’s VAT agreement – getting close to reality at last
This issue still rumbles on. Whilst issue was focused elsewhere last week the detailed reasons for the new arrangements between the UK and the Isle of
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A look at the world’s new corporate tax havens
CBS broadcast a programme with the above title this weekend. As they point out the US loses $60bn a year to tax havens from its big corporate sector alone.
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