Latest YouGov/Sun results 1st Mar CON 34%, LAB 43%, LD 11%; APP -28
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Lib Dems are on slight upward trend. Would be better if they were on a falling trend so as to punish them for proppping up a divisive and brutal government. Would like to see their poll rating close to zero.
Yeah! Splitters!
Whilst people see this govt is rubbish, the combined Tory/Libdem support is still higher than Labour possibly suggesting that people think Labour might be even more rubbish? This is not necessarily comforting for labour supporters.
“Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are idiots.”
Very heartening, and the clear Labour lead in most polls seems to have put paid to most of the “Ed Miliband is crap” sour-grapes brigade on the Labour blogs.
Having said that, Labour would need to be a lot further ahead before being confident of a victory next time round (remember Cameron being 20 points in front in 2008/9 and then he only won by 7 points even though Labour ran a duff campaign with an ineffective leader?) But it’s a start.