Falso Economy has the stats to show the government is now resoundingly losing the argument not the economy and what to do about it. Worth
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The Office for Tax Simplification decided to keep the UK as a tax haven
I am posting this here with the permission of the Progressive Tax Blog, which I strongly recommend. The matte referred to is vital. As I
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Explaining why the deficit is not the issue Osborne claims it is
This is an excellent video based on a talk given by Dr Saville Kushner, of University of the West of England, to the meeting of
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King’s right on banks – and if they say they’ll leave Osborne has made it a guaranteed, so what?
As the First Post Daily reports: Bank of England governor Mervyn King has provoked a furious response from the City after saying yesterday that many
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It’s very hard to take Cameron seriously when he abuses his own staff
David Cameron shows his incompetence daily. He’s been a knee-jerk disaster on Libya. Now he shows his own inability to manage. Unlike Cameron I’ve managed
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What do we want? Refining George Monbiot’s list
George Monbiot asks that question this morning in the Guardian. He wants a positive agenda of demands for the 26 March TUC rally in Lonodn
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Company law abuse happens because David Cameron promotes it
As the Sunday Mail notes: Business Secretary Vince Cable has launched an investigation into why penalties, including fines, have not been meted out to companies
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The FT says it is time for country-by-country reporting
The FT is emphatic in an editorial this morning: it says the time has come for country-by-country reporting in the extractive industries. As it notes:
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