Another good letter from the Guardian today: I fully sympathise with those who rail against bankers’ bonuses, but there is a danger of falling into
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GP bait to privatise the NHS
First rate letter in the Guardian today: GP commissioning is the bait which Howard Stoate has swallowed whole (Response, 12 January). There are good arguments
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Treasury announces general anti-avoidance principle study group
The Treasury has announced the creation of a study group to look at a UK general anti-avoidance principle. As it says: Graham Aaronson QC, today
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Tax is at the core of our well being, and until we realise it we are in deep trouble
The Guardian has reported this morning that: The Tote, the government-owned bookmaker, is braced for a backlash over plans to move a portion of its
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KPMG plans to get them young
The FT has reported that KPMG is planning to give up its graduate recruitment programme in the UK, and is instead planning to recruit before
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Wolf says no to interest rate rises
It is good to note that Martin Wolf, in the Financial Times, is as concerned about interest rate rises as a reaction to inflation resulting
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What use are financial reports when they can be wrong by $5 billion, and yet be right?
As the Financial Times reports this morning: Goldman Sachs has revealed details of about $5bn in investment losses suffered during the crisis for the first
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One swallow does not a summer make
By-elections are fickle things. No one should over emphasise the impact of any one of them. No government party has gained a seat in a
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