See Left Foot Forward for the details But how absurd that we now have a positive discrimination in favour of high earners.
If Sir Philip Green was so good at buying why do his stores have sales so often?
I’ve already noted Sir Philip Green’s report on supposed government purchasing inefficiency, and the gaping holes in it, here and here. But then it occurred
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Deliberate misrepresentation on pensions?
IFA Online covered ‘Making Pensions Work’ yesterday, giving it a good report. In response they also noted that: Tom McPhail, head of pensions research at
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CDC to be reformed – now adopt the Code of Conduct
As the FT notes: CDC Group, the state-owned private equity investor in emerging markets, faces an overhaul of its structure, strategy and executive pay under
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So much for high public sector pay
As the FT reports: The apparent resilience of public sector wage growth compared with the private sector largely reflects the nationalisation of two of Britain’s
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Who created the chaos in government purchasing?
I loved this letter in the Guardian today: I was interested to read Philip Green’s proposals for "more centralised procurement" by government (Report, 11 October).
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Sir Philip Green: the wrong man with the wrong mindset at the wrong time
I have advised many businesses, many of them in deep trouble at the time I arrived. It looks like Sir Philip Green has too. And
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The ConDem fantasy
The ConDem fantasy is staggering. The Mail reports: A quarter of incapacity benefit claimants will be forced to return to work immediately as part of
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