The data is here. None of which gives much hope that George will deliver an economic miracle.
What do you mean by tax evasion George?
Richard Lupson-Darnell has done some smart analysis of George Osborne’s speech on his blog, saying: In his speech to the Conservative Party conference yesterday, George
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George is looking though the wrong end of the telescope
From the FT, yesterday: From Ms Ann Pettifor and Emeritus Prof Victoria Chick. Sir, Kitty Ussher (“Miliband must toughen up on cuts”, Comment, September 29)
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TJN Latin America
TJN Latin America has a new web site. It’s in Spanish, of course. It’s importance is that it marks the continuing spread of TJN in
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Want a billion George?
I’ve seen little as stupid as Tory minister Philip Hammond claiming on Channel 4 last evening that child benefit was still universal — it would
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More on IKEA
The Age in Australia has borrowed quite heavily from my blog the other day on IKEA, so I hope they won’t mind if I borrow
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More bizarre thinking from the Tories
Nigel Stanley has written on the TUC blog: Boris Johnson was elected Mayor of London in an election where the turn out was 45.3 per
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The wilderness zone of 100% (or more) tax
George Osborne has succeeded in introducing a 100% (or more) tax rate in the UK tax system. For a parent of two children tipping over
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