President Barack Obama on Wednesday took Republicans to task over their economic “values” as he promotes an $180bn package of proposals to stimulate the anaemic US economy and show the American public he is working to boost the recovery.
So why, oh why not here?
OK, I’d prefer direct government spending. It hits targets better.
But please give us a stimulus.
It’s what we need.
Instead we have Osborne, cuts and recession looming.
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If you want to see a one-term administration look across the Pond.
Obama has been a major disappointment – you just have to listen to his speeches and it’s as if he’s still campaigning rather than in show.
All bluster and no show. Poor show.
The President can propose most anything. However, the reality is that Congress will not approve more spending before this next election.
And given that he does not need any Republican votes to pass any legislation in either house, due to the Democrat majority in both, his claims of Republican obstructionism is merely part of election-year politics.