What is happening out there?

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August is supposedly the quiet month of the year. The month when in the UK at least there is no news. And when people shut up shop and go away — ignoring reality for as long as possible.

It’s been, with July, my traditional black spot for traffic in the year. The pattern worked in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

But not in 2010. August 2010 has seen this blogs highest ever traffic in a month — over 61,000 page views, and more than 27,000 additional RSS reads — excluding any risk of double counting. The result — more than 88,000 reads in the month — the highest ever.

Why is that? Coming as it does after three months which also saw exceptionally high recurring blog traffic only just, in each case, behind August for traffic volume, and each in turn well ahead of the traffic seen in the period up to the UK election I think it’s fair to ask what is happening out there to drive such significant traffic increase?

Could it be that Tony Blair is really quite wrong when he says:

'The biggest danger was a view that people would want the state to come back into fashion ?’

Could it actually be people are looking for debate about that alternative?

I can only suggest for sure that the election has changed something. Certainly UK traffic, which was down to 50% of reads is now up at 65% of traffic — suggesting this is largely a domestic phenomena. But it is significant — whatever the cause.

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