The last Tory government collapsed, completely discredited by lies, scandal, misinformation and a loss of credibility. George Osborne’s spectacular mishandling of the so called independent
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The Appleby Message: Not Digestible
The law firm of Appleby provides offshore legal, fiduciary and administration services. Appleby and its Group Managing Partner, Peter Bubenzer in Bermuda, issued in June
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Right wing libertarians bully? Oh yes they do!
I commented yesterday on right wing libertarian bullying. As if on cue this morning someone from the right wing libertarian camp turned up with these
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Why the Channel Islands’ VAT wheeze is illegal and has to stop
I have been banging on about the Channel Island’s VAT abuse for years. Labour decided to do nothing about it when in power even though
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LVCR – so what happened Mr Osborne
The Tories have taken no action to tackle Low Value Consignment Relief (LVCR) since being in office — despite the fact that abuse of this
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The Office for Tax Responsibility
The Office for Budget Responsibility is in a mess. The government’s finances are in a mess. The most obvious solution for solving the mess —
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