FT.com / Comment / Obituaries – Nobel laureate who turned economics into a science dies. Paul Samuelson has died. A Nobel laureate economist he has
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What is meant by the spirit of the law?
http://taxadvicenetwork.blogspot.com/2009/12/what-is-meant-by-spirit-of-law.html. Mark Lee throws in his pennyworth – which is worth reading. From my perspective this has rarely been difficuklt to determine – but there
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Who cares about the Tax Gap?
FT.com / UK / Economy & Trade – Tax system flaws cost UK £40bn a year . Again, reasoned analysis from the FT this morning,
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Misinformation on the ‘exodus’ from the Torygraph
Taxing the rich is causing exodus – Telegraph. Heaven knows how the Telegraph came to publish this drivel: The number of directors of British companies
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Bonus tax could net a windfall of £2.5bn
Bonus tax could net a windfall of £2.5bn | Mail Online. The Treasury could reap a multi-billion pound bonus tax windfall as banks vow to
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Bankers: will they go?
FT.com / Comment / Analysis – Banking: City limits. Something close to sensible analysis from the FT, noting this: Headhunters say that as the recovery
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Tax accountants cost the earth
The New Economics Foundation challenges one of the most fundamental tenets of conventional economics today — that the price of something can be equated to
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Bankers ‘whacked’ in arcade game
BBC News – Bankers ‘whacked’ in arcade game. An arcade game that allows people to vent their anger at bankers has proved so popular the
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Why be awkward?
I get people who tell me “if only you weren’t so awkward Richard we could deal with you”. Others tell me “we don’t understand why
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