I note an interesting exchange in the States of Jersey earlier this week, reported in the Jersey Evening Post, but not available on line as far as I know.
Senator Terry Le Sueur, Chief Minister was asked in the States (the parliament) to state ‘yes’ or ‘no’ whether the island's tax proposals were compliant with the EU’s rules. ‘I don’t know’ he said ‘but indications we have are that they might not be’.
Deputy Montfort Tadier (who as far as I know I have never met or spoken to) asked whether the Chief Minister and his advisers had been remiss in discounting the warnings of the Tax Justice Network, a pressure group who has (it is reported) historically been hostile to Jersey as an offshore tax jurisdiction. The network which (it is again reported) is led by Richard Murphy has long warned that the zero-ten tax system would not be compliant with EU regulations.
Senator Le Sueur said he listened to expert advice from a variety of sources and more weight to some that others.
Did you take the wrong advice? asked Montfort Tadier. No, replied the Chief Minister.
I’m not sure all agree with him.
And for the record: I don’t lead TJN. That task is ably done by John Christensen.
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