Development Today

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Development Today is a Nordic Journal dealing with the subject its title addresses. It does, unfortunately run a web site for subscribes and so I can do more than provide snippets of information on what they're saying in their current issues. But takes these three snippets as examples:

Transparency International should revise its Corruption Perceptions Index to take into account tax havens, "one of the biggest problems the world faces today", says former French magistrate Eva Joly in an interview with Development Today.


Norway's Development Minister Erik Solheim says Tax Justice Network raises an important debate about Western countries' role in international corruption.


The the role of tax havens in corruption is moving up on the international agenda.

I think it's fair to say that the Tax Justice Network argument on the need to reform the approach that is taken to the definition of corruption and to the way in which it is measured by Transparency International ha been well and truly recognised by those working in the development sector in Scandinavia. Which is good news, because there is no doubt that TI is wrong when it says:

"We stand by the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). It has its purpose and its limits," says Robin Hodess, Director of Policy and Research at Transparency International (TI) to Development Today in response to criticism of the index from Tax Justice Network.

Their index can be and should be updated. If they're not willing to do so then it will be increasingly seen as 'unfit for purpose'. Our challenge to TI is simple. TJN advisers do already have a new index under development. They could join us in taking this whole area forward, or we can do it alone. We'd always prefer to work in partnership. Are they willing to join us?

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