A (long) rebuttal of the arguments in the Economists’ recent feature on tax havens is now available here. As is noted by John Christensen, author
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The Big 4 – endorsing tax havens by their presence
The Independent on Sunday ran a report yesterday concerning the report entitled ‘Closing the Floodgates’ that I edited and was principle author of for the
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The domicile laws – why we launched this campaign
You think long and hard before issuing a report such as that we launched on Friday on the domicile laws. For a start, accusing people
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The Observer on the campaign against the domicile laws
The report issued about the illegality of the domicile laws on Friday was picked up by the Observer on Sunday. The report, entitled ‘Oligarch’s tax
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Support in Parliament for the campaign against the domicile laws
The report the Tax Justice Network and Tax Research LLP issued on Friday concerning the illegality of the UK’s domicile laws has attracted considerable interest
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