Anyone want t be an ambassador for Guensey? No pay – and swear bilind it’s not a tax haven

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Guernsey claims it needs independent ambassadors to help fight off increasing attacks on the island as a 'tax haven'. The call came after the TUC became the latest organisation to turn the spotlight on Guernsey as economic pressure mounts around the globe, as featured here yesterday.

Guernsey Finance chief executive Peter Niven said:

The issue we've got is getting to other opinion formers like politicians and others who feed the media, but with misinformation and perception. That's a government role.

When I spoke to the Institute of Directors, I made the point we need to have some ambassadors who aren't from Guernsey that plead our case in international forums and with politicians in the UK and Brussels. People were needed who were independent from the island, such as Lord Digby Jones, who visited last week.

We have to work with others and through others to get this message across. These attacks on so-called tax havens are only going to increase over the next few months and years.

Too right they are.

But what's really intriguing is why anyone would want to defend the indefensible.

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