Would you be proud of your dad if he’d run a business based in a tax haven?

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David Cameron said tonight:

I am proud of my dad and what he did, the business he established and all the rest of it.

I discussed what I thought he should say about that business in a recent blog. I said I hoped he would say:

He could have said that much as he respects his father, much as he loves him and much as he is grateful for what he did for him he has to disagree with him on the use of offshore. This is what mature, responsible, children sometimes have to do: they have to say that they disagree with their parents. But Cameron has not done this.

And now we know he won't. He does, apparently agree with his dad and thinks it was just fine to set up0 a business that was based in a tax haven.

I will be honest, I am disappointed.

But I'd also like to point out that David Cameron has form when it comes to me. This is from the official version of his speech to the Conservative Party conference last year:

There's an academic called Richard Murphy. He's the Labour Party's new economics guru, and the man behind their plan to print more money.

He gave an interview a few weeks ago. He was very frank. He admitted that Labour's plan would cause a “sterling crisis”, but to be fair…

…he did add, and I quote, that it “would pass very quickly”.

Well, that's alright then.

His book is actually called “The Joy of Tax”. I've read it. It's got 64 positions — and they're all wrong.

The actual version was more lurid.

But now we know that actually, he really does buy the Joy of Tax after all. In all the wrong ways.


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