Grant Thornton, the UK's fifth biggest firm of accountants have told UK Chancellor Gordon Brown that it wants these things in the Budget:
A cut in the corporation tax rate, and they have suggested Ireland's 12.5% rate as an alternative
Simplified tax legislation
Fewer restrictions on controlled foreign companies
Streamlined regulations
A less combative approach from HM Revenue and Customs to tax avoidance.
I have to presume they're serious in issuing such a request. If they are they also show themselves to be wholly misguided. Indeed, I do wonder who they think they are convincing of their business competence in making such short sighted observations. The reasons are obvious:
Ireland is a micro-state that steals other countries tax revenues. It is not capable of being compared to the UK. It can only survive under the shadow of the UK (and I say this as an Irish citizen). To take a simple example, half its law is 'borrowed' from the UK because it does not have the resources to develop its own, and that's the most basic function of government. The Eastern European states that offer low tax rates are also, and obviously, not comparable. Their state of economic development is fundamentally different from the UK's. These tiny states, smaller than south London in most cases, cannot be the basis for comparing tax rates. Grant Thornton should know that so the request they are making has nothing to do with comparison, or even treating cost (as they believe tax to be) comparably, because the benefits afforded in the UK to companies that work here are obviously much higher than in these other places. What they're actually saying is simple. It's 'please shift this tax burden onto other people but give us everything we demand as businesses'. That's wholly inequitable.
Simplified tax legislation would be a great idea in a simple world. We live in a complex one. Business can handle complexity. So can accountants. That's because it's needed to allow for all the options that business needs to undertake trade effectively and competitively. Take away the complexity in tax and you'll restrict commercial flexibility in many cases. What do you want, Grant Thornton? And if Grant Thornton were really keen on simplifying things they would also support abolition of the domicile laws. They don't. Mike Warburton, head of tax at Grant Thornton has said so on BBC radio in debate with me, recently. He actually said 'they're great fun'. That's because he makes money out of them. So this call is hypocritical. It's really a request to cut out rules that increase the tax take and leave those that reduce it.
The call for fewer restrictions on controlled foreign companies is simply a request for more support for tax haven operations. Tax havens cost the governments of the world more than five times the cost of meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Whose side are you on Grant Thornton?
Streamlined regulations. I agree. They can help, on occasion. But most regulation has a purpose. They are also the biggest stimulant to innovation there is in the economy. So cut regulation at your peril.
I'm amused by the call for a less combative approach from HM Revenue and Customs to tax avoidance. My answer is simple. Grant Thornton can turn the temperature down by becoming tax compliant.
I'm sorry Grant Thornton, you have to think a lot harder than that if you want to show yourselves to be a business leader.
And I'm being kind. You could see what Dennis Howlett had to say about this.
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[…] Grant Thornton – failing to join up their thinking […]
[…] Via Tim W Ireland is a micro-state that steals other countries tax revenues. It is not capable of being compared to the UK. It can only survive under the shadow of the UK (and I say this as an Irish citizen). Interesting perspective. […]
“half its law is ‘borrowed’ from the UK because it does not have the resources to develop its own”
A little bit of research may aid you here. Half our law is British as it’s been in effect since we were controlled by the British. Were the Irish gov to repeal every single piece of legislation the day we finally got control? Do you not think that may have caused some problems perhaps? Standard practice would dictate that we repeal undesirable brit legislation as we see the need for it. We let the rest stand.
It’s 85 years John
That’s more than enough time to have tidied up the statute book
But the reality is that much recent legislation is borrowed from the UK
That’s what I meant – and it’s true
To call Ireland a microstate is ridiculous.
To suggest that deleting all of the pre-existing British law would somehow have displayed the government’s competence is ridiculous.
To suggest that laws can be borrowed is ridiculous.
To be of the belief that Ireland “can only survive under the shadow of the UK ” shows a dissapointing lack of ambition.
“Business can handle complexity”. I don’t think you’ve ever seen a small business before. Most are too busy chasing income to have any time to learn all the (ever increasing) rules from HMRC, H&S, Defra etc etc. Failure to comply inevitably leads to penalties and more bureaucracy dreamt up by jobsworths who are proud of their non-job and how much paperwork they can produce.
Quite wrong
I remain a chartered accountant in practice as well as being involved in tax policy issues.
And have been involved in the SME sector for 25 years. I assure you, I do know this sector very well indeed.
And the suggestion that beauracracy is crushing it is wrong. That’s an excuse for poor business acumen.
Tough talk? Maybe. But true, certainly.