The FT has an excellent article today discussing the differences in perception in politics in the US and UK. As it notes: Over three decades,
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IFRS 8 – TJN makes a further submission to the European Commission
On Friday I made a further submission on behalf of the Tax Justice Network to the European Commission team considering the adoption of IFRS 8.
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The Daily Mail on tax havens
The Daily Mail is the best read newspaper in the UK. They published this article yesterday. Their research was to call me whilst I was
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Bono’s rag – still promtoing tax havens
Bono owns a serious slug of Forbes Magazine. And here it is promoting tax havens for all they’re worth – with pictures added to highlight
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Why won’t HMRC talk about the Tax Gap?
Accountancy Age has reported that: The government should release its estimates of the tax gap to make tax avoidance and evasion less socially acceptable, the
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Ireland is all about profit shifting
Toronto’s Globe and Mail had a good article on social inequality in Ireland yesterday. It’s big issue, but the bit of the report I really
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Child porn is an offshore issue
It looks likely that Chris Langham will go to prison for the downloading of child pornography. As a parent of young children, and as a
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Leeds, KPMG and offshore – are you surprised HMRC has objected?
The saga of Leeds United’s insolvency, its management by KPMG and the undisclosed links between the club and two offshore companies continues. As the Guardian
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Geographic reporting is a legal requirement under EU law
Under IFRS 8 on segment reporting the only geographic reporting required is a split of turnover between that arising in the country of incorporation and
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