The TUC’s report ‘The Missing Billions: The UK Tax Gap’ has already got good press coverage. The FT has given it prominent coverage and appropriately
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Mike Warburton: missing the point, as ever
I was on the BBC’s Today programme this morning and addressed the policy issues that my report for the TUC raises. Mike Warburton was the
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The Missing £25 billion: Polly Toynbee’s comment
Polly Toynbee has written about tax today for the Guardian, no doubt inspired by the new TUC report on the subject that I wrote for
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£25 billion: the cost of tax avoidance
The TUC published a report called ‘The Missing Billions: The UK Tax Gap’ this morning. I’ll declare an interest now: I wrote this report. It’s
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Why spend so much on benefit fraud when tax is the issue?
Accountancy Age reports: The National Audit Office (NAO) has found the Department for Work and Pension (DWP) spent £154m in 2006-07 to identify an estimated
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HM Revenue & Customs improving tax recoveries
CCH have issued a press release, which seems to have been posted in full on AccountingWEB, saying (in part): HMRC has raised £415.3 million through
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The Tax Gap: I’m sorry, we haven’t a clue
Hansard reports the following: Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what his Department’s estimate of the tax gap is; and what
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One third of the UK’s largest companies pay not tax
Vanessa Houlder has a tax article on the front page of the FT today. In it she reports that one third of the UK’s 700
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We can tackle inequality
The Guardian is doing well with its blogs today. Seamus Milne has a great one on the growing poverty gap in the UK. As he
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