A new look on YouTube

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We have changed the style of our YouTube thumbnails as of this morning.

Over the past nine months, Thomas and I have learned a massive amount about YouTube, whilst picking up 110,000 followers and more than 9 million views over that period.

I admit we have struggled to find the right formula for thumbnails, which are the images published on and promoted by YouTube to attract traffic to a video.

All YouTube advice is that these are critical, but at first, we ignored that.

Then we settled on a formula of a picture of me on the left over a background, nature-orientated photo, which avoided us having to fund topical images, with a text box highlighting the video title on the right.

Now, we have decided we have to succumb to something that looks more like the YouTube norm. That, for videos of the sort we make, has the title on the left. It has to jump off the page. There needs to be a topical image. The whole thing has to be simple. We've ended up with the above image, which was developed from a Canva template.

Comments are welcome.

If we settle on this, we might replace the thumbnails on some earlier, more successful videos to be consistent. But that will require time, which we do not currently have.

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