Badonoch hoisted her mast, with Trump’s ensign firmly attached

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Kemi Badenoch gave quite an extraordinary performance at Prime Minister's Questions yesterday during her first outing as leader of the Conservatives.

She condescended Keir Starmer in her opening comment before moving straight on to congratulate Trump on his election victory. She then said: 

As Leader of His Majesty's Opposition, I will be taking a different approach to the last Opposition, by being a constructive Opposition, so I would like to start by congratulating President-elect Trump on his impressive victory this morning. The Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary met him in September. Did the Foreign Secretary take that opportunity to apologise for making derogatory and scatological references, including

“Trump is not only a woman-hating, neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath. He is also a profound threat to the international order”?

If he did not apologise, will the Prime Minister do so now, on his behalf?

Starmer did not do so.

Badenoch then demanded that he invite Trump to the UK to address both Houses of Parliament.

Starmer did not agree to do so.

Why would a Tory leader demand that a convicted felon, a man who sought to overthrow a democratic election result with violence, and someone who has been found guilty of rape by a court to address both houses of parliament? The answer is that she buys into his agenda and ignores who he is when doing so.

I have already highlighted some aspects of her viciously nasty agenda this week. Project 2025, to which I have referred this morning, was written by think tanks closely aligned with the far-right ones situated in Tufton Street, just around the corner from parliament, all of which now have a considerable influence on Tory thinking.

We have to assume that Badenoch is trumpeting Trump for a reason. Where he goes, she intends to follow. At least we know that, for sure. It will make it easier to work out what she is likely to say and want to do. That, though, is all that is good about this.

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