A few of my favourite things

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These are a few of my favourite things.

My binoculars were out this morning:

Coffee and cake were provided by Sian Moss of the Wren Cafe at Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve, who makes the best of both in this area, without a doubt:

The reserve is just south of Ely. That's the Cathedral looking rather Monetesque in the background:

The birdwatching was brilliant. But I was also playing with the new camera bought to make the blogs - because we decided that an iPhone is good, but not good enough. I only have a fairly wide angle lens right now - because that is what vlogging requires, and I suspect its use for photography will be limited, but it had to be tried out:

The water buffalo on the reserve showed interest - but we were playing them jazz, which always brings them over. We've tried other music, but jazz always works best:

How the second one got his wonderfully coloured quiff I do not know.

As to the birding, the highlight was avocet checks - only the second clutch ever to hatch here. And alongside that, the wonderful garden warbler singing. They are the dullest of warblers, but the sound is the epitome of summer - like water tumbling down a brook.

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