The real crisis facing Labour

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As I have noted in another post this morning. Labour apparently thinks that the biggest crises that it will face that will have the power to disrupt it when coming into office are:

1. Potential collapse of Thames Water
2. Public sector pay pressure
3. Prison overcrowding
4. Universities going under
5. NHS funding
6. Bankrupt councils

As I also noted, all of these can be easily solved by spending the necessary funds and then taxing the wealthy more. If Labour thinks these issues are the problem, that is solely because Rachel Reeves is making them so. As a consequence, the logic behind this last is totally flawed.

So what are the real crises that Labour might face? I suggest they are (and these are not meant to be in any order of priority as all of them need to be addressed):

  1. Climate change caused by big businesses.
  2. Obesity caused by the big sugar industry.
  3. Diabetes caused by big pharma failing to point out that this is a treatable condition.
  4. Mental ill health caused the the stress on people created by the deliberately created neoliberal climate of fear.
  5. The lack of social care due to deliberate underfunding.
  6. Child poverty due to deliberate underfunding of support for families in need.
  7. The crisis in education due to underfunding at all levels.
  8. The stresses in society due to Tory fuelled culture wars.
  9. Interest rates that are far too high, causing untold problems to households, businesses and the government itself.
  10. A lack of government investment in our economy.
  11. Inequality, requiring additional taxation of those with wealth.
  12. The failure of democracy that requires electoral and parliamentary reform.
  13. The failure of the country that requires that the people of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland need to be given the option to leave the Union.
  14. The failure to regulate business to ensure that fair competition free from fraud and exploitation takes place.
  15. The failure of local democracy and accountability.
  16. A lack of confidence in the police and the judicial system.

I am sure I have missed some out. But, I stress, migration is not on the list because it is not a problem: this country has never been able to survive without a steady inward flow of people.

These are my top issues needing action from Labour.

I am not hearing their promises.

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