If you’re worried about the de-skilling of the NHS, please sign this

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Amongst the many ways in which public services in the UK are being undermined is by deskilling them. I have already mentioned this in the context of HM Revenue & Customs this morning. The problem is at least as big, if not bigger, in medicine.

EveryDoctor, with whom I have done some podcasts, are highlighting this in the context of the plan to roll out many more physician associates in the NHS, about which there is a current consultation that is exceptionally difficult for anyone to answer. I know, because I tried.

As Every Doctor note:

The General Medical Council (GMC) is conducting a public consultation into the regulation of physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs) in the NHS. As an organisation, EveryDoctor is enormously concerned about the systematic deskilling of the NHS workforce, and the impact of this on patients and staff. We have therefore been encouraging our network of NHS staff and patients to contribute to the consultation.

We have received feedback from many people who say the consultation is too complicated and difficult to fill in. We are deeply concerned about this; a public consultation must be accessible to all. We have summarised the general concerns from doctors in our network about the regulation of physician associates (PAs) and anaesthetic associates (AAs) in the NHS. We are now enabling everyone who shares our concerns to sign this letter. We will send this to the GMC. Please sign urgently - the public consultation closes on 20th May.

If you are worried about the degradation of service in the NHS, please consider signing their letter to the GMC. The link is here.

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