Time by a river is rarely wasted

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It was a time for thinking, reading and reflecting by the Cam this morning:

This bench provided somewhere to sit.

The view down the river towards Ely was pretty good:

Some geese took their offspring across the river. As usual with geese, a creche system was in operation. They are very good at this (and the shot was deliberately underexposed because 0therwise they were really hard to see):

A great crested grebe literally popped up nearby (my telephoto was limited by the use of an iPhone for these):

A cuckoo was calling, as were wren, chiffchaff, chaffinches, great whitethroat, blackcap and others. Whilst looking for the blackcap and briefly finding it, we also found a recently fledged flock of long-tail tits - which were very cute. But there are no photos. So, have a flag iris instead:

And an early wild rose:

Meanwhile, I was revising extensively on photography and videography while deciding whether we should invest more in the work we're doing here.

Time by a river is rarely wasted.

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