Netanyahu’s bluff has been called

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The FT neatly summarised the situation in Gaza this morning, using this headline:

Benjamin Netanyahu's dilemma: save the hostages or his government

The essence of the article is quite simple, and obviously true.

Hamas has offered Israel all the hostages it still holds back. The demand Netanyahu made that won him domestic support can be met now. There is no need for any more violence in Gaza, not that I think any of it could have been justified on the scale at which it has been waged, without the slightest consideration for innocent casualties.

But, if Netanyahu accepts this offer the extremists in his government will say that he has failed to defeat Hamas, and they will bring his government down. Then he might well have to finally face justice for so many of his actions, including war  crimes. That, he does not want to do.

So, Netanyahu has revealed his real self. The hostages were only ever an excuse, however inappropriate and straightforwardly wrong the actions of Hamas were in seizing them. Instead, the destruction of the Palestinian state and the driving of millions from Gaza was his goal. This is now very obvious.

So, where is the condemnation of Israel's action now that Hamas has exposed the fact that Netanyahu is not pursuing a policy that anyone can remotely justify? I am not hearing it from our national and international leaders who should be calling Netanyahu's actions out now. And that is very troubling because they no longer have any credible claim left to make by saying that they are supporting Israel's right to defend itself. Instead they are now supporting genocide by a government, not a state. And that is always, unambiguously, a crime, which I think is taking place.

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