Publishing the Taxing Wealth Report – your opinion is sought

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I am working on putting the Taxing Wealth Report 2024 together as one document right now. I need an opinion from you, the readers of this blog, on this issue.

The whole report is really big. If all the detailed analysis is included in the report it is some 130,000 words and well over 300 pages. I can't see anyone reading all that, but I may be wrong.

There is an alternative way of publishing this Report. That is to only include the summary sections briefly outlining each detailed proposal, which were the first section of each note on every proposal made in the report. A link could then be provided so that anyone could follow up on the detailed proposal on the web if they so wished. This would probably at least halve the length of the report. I would still keep all the introductory and explanatory chapters in full.

My question is, which option do people here think might be more useful? The whole report, or a report with summaries of all the proposals of sufficient length to explain what they are but with detailed workings being relegated to the web, where they already are? Your opinion would quite genuinely be much appreciated.

I should add that both options might also be possible, but only the shorter one is likely to be viable in print (if at all).

In what form should the Taxing Wealth Report 2024 be published?

  • In short form, with each proposal being summarised with weblinks being added to detailed workings (52%, 287 Votes)
  • Are you more lilely to buy the short form report? (20%, 109 Votes)
  • In both formats (19%, 105 Votes)
  • Are you likely to want to buy a printed copy of the report even though it will be available free as a PDF? (7%, 40 Votes)
  • In full, i.e. all 130,000 words in one report (1%, 8 Votes)

Total Voters: 393

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