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Danny Blanchflower and I had an article in Bylines yesterday:

I hope it's worth going over there to read.

And for those looking for political commentary, I had an article in The National yesterday:

In this I argued:

My concern is it the SNP will go into the General Election on the defensive. For a party that has been in charge, but not necessarily in power at Holyrood, that might seem to be inevitable – but I think it would be wrong. When Labour are the threat to the return of sufficient SNP MPs to Westminster, they have to be on the offensive. That is particularly true when discussing how they will hold Labour to account for their actions if they form the next Westminster government.

The SNP will have a unique role to play when it comes to doing this. It is quite likely that only they will have the skills, experience and organisation to create that accountability during the first few years of the life of that new parliament. This requires that the SNP have a policy agenda for what they will demand from Labour, which would in turn both reflect what they think to be the needs of the people of Scotland and what the priorities might be if they were to have the power to really run Scotland as an independent country. Let me note what I think some of those issues might be.

Again, I hope it might be worth going ver there to read the rest. If you don't go often, it should not be behind a paywall.

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