Maybe, just maybe, some political awareness is dawning

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It is not the morning for blogging.

It is dry, almost warm and the day to spend out in nature. But, a thought before I go, which is this.

At long last Biden is realising that Netanyahu is not Israel. He is even beginning to show intolerance of his government.

This is incredibly welcome. That far-right would always  have us believe that the governments that they create are synonymous with, and represent the true opinions  of, the states that they temporarily represent. But that is not true, at least for democrats, who always recognise that any particular government must be transitory.

Netanyahu is not Israel. Separate the two and you begin to make other necessary distinctions. You also begin to find the pathway to a solution.

That is true in so many other places, where there are different issues, but far-right governments also seek to claim their views are synonymous with those  of the nation, starting in the UK as a whole.

Maybe, just maybe, some political awareness is dawning.

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