The questions Sunak has to answer today

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There are, I think, four key strands of questioning for Rishi Sunak when he appears before the Covid inquiry today. These questions have to be focussed: they only have him for a day.

The first relates to March 2020. The question is whether lockdown was delayed because of Sunak's fear of financial market reaction. Johnson has hinted it was. If that was the case lives were sacrificed to those markets and that would be unforgivable.

Second is a general question, which is why financial support was not given to many of the most vulnerable people who needed to lockdown or isolate and could not afford to do so, meaning the disease was unnecessarily spread. Why was support so badly focussed that this outcome was inevitable? That is the question.

Third, there is the question that needs answering on ‘Eat out to help out', which is why this was done without scientific advice? Was the Treasury really that callous?

The fourth is, maybe, the most important. It was Sunak who brought the proponents of the far-right ‘let it rip' Barrington Declaration to Downing Street in September 2020, which had such disastrous consequences in delay and dithering that autumn. We need to know if he really believed what they said. If so he really is not fit to be prime minister. His indifference to the wellbeing of people would be proven.

Everything else bar these questions is, I think, padding. I hope we get answers.

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