What do you want to leave your children?

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I out this poll out on Twitter yesterday morning, and it closes soon:

The question is, I think, binary.

There is no way that  we are going to save the planet for human habitation without greater government investment. That is, in turn, going to require the reorientation of savings away from private sector deposit takers and towards government based savings mechanisms that will provide the capital to make this process possible. Anyone can pretend otherwise, but I just don't see how we can do it in any other way.

In that case, if we insist on calling government provided savings facilities ‘government debt', then that debt is going to rise as a pre-condition of our survival.

It would seem that the respondents to this poll understand that.

What we know is that Rachel Reeves does not. And that makes her a threat to the survival of everyone's children.

There's no subtle way  of stating that fact, for fact it is.

And that's why a large Labour majority at the next election could be a catastrophe, unless someone can persuade the Party leadership to change its mind.

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