The ugliness of UK political decision making

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Earlier this week, the Tories made it clear that they intend to force up to a million people who are considered unfit to work at present, either as a consequence of a disability or because of mental ill health conditions, to find employment, irrespective of the ongoing nature of their conditions.

The plan is that these people will now be required to work from home. The problem is that to find work the people impacted will be required to undertake tasks that many will find difficult or impossible.

The aim of this proposal is, ostensibly, to reduce public spending in the UK.

It is also to supposedly empower these people by providing them with work, which gives some insight into the Tory mindset.

The reality is that this move will simply cut the benefits of very large numbers of the most vulnerable people in this country. That, I suggest, is the real motive of ministers endowed with attitudes informed by Ayn Rand.

Those ministers hate government spending.

They see no reason to support those in need.

And they would rather penalise those with need for support than raise tax on those with the means to pay.

The whole point of the Taxing Wealth Report 2024 is to show that ministers have ample choices available to them as to how to raise funds to enable support to those who need it to continue.

What that report also shows, in that case, is that ministers who decide not to tax but to penalise the vulnerable instead are doing so because they think supporting the wealthiest and highest-earning members of our society is more important than supporting those with real needs who require help in this country.

The claim that we cannot afford to support people is shattered by the Taxing Wealth Report 2024. I have already shown how to raise more than £35 billion in tax this week. There are many more reforms to come.

In that case, ministers making vicious cuts should no longer be able to hide behind the excuse 'there is no money left'. There is ample money available. So, what is really on view is their bias towards the rich that is displayed in the cruelty of their decision-making with regard to those in need.

If the Taxing Wealth Report 2024 reveals the ugliness of UK political decision making, it will have served its purpose.

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