We either plan for continuing life on earth or choose democide by default. Which is it to be?

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As the Guardian notes in one of its morning newsletters today:

Southern Europe is bracing for a second “heat storm” in a week. Record temperatures across the Mediterranean could be broken on Tuesday, and people in Italy have been told to prepare for most intense heatwave ‘of all time'. Meanwhile in the US more than 100 million people were under extreme heat advisories this weekend.

This is not an accident. It is the predictable and predicted consequence of human behaviour, about which politicians and most people have been in denial.

None of these situations are going to get better without drastic human action. And by ‘drastic' I mean radical human change.

We have to transform out energy systems.

We have to change our patterns of consumption - rather oddly prioritising g as a result the very things that the government is so badly failing to supply right now, such as education, justice, health and social care and so much more.

We have to travel less. Air travel for holidays must become exceptional.

We must change our diets. Eating meat must at the very least become occasional, not the norm.

We need to rethink our houses.

Working at home will become normal.

The nature of work itself is likely to change for many.

Many businesses that cannot adapt to to this will fail. There will, of course, be opportunity for others. It was ever thus.

None of this should surprise anyone. It should, instead, be obvious. And yet it apparently is not. The world of politics is ignoring this. The pretence is that these are just peak, and even freak, events. They can as such be ignored. But they can't, because they presage real change and pose questions that need answers, which it seems no politician is willing to address.

Start with these:

1) What if much of the Mediterranean becomes uninhabitable? Where do its people go?

2) How can we manage food supply in a country utterly dependent on imports when many of the areas that supply us cannot produce any more?

3) How will we find the money for the investment that we need if there is an insistence on balancing the books?

No one is asking these questions, but they are issues that need to be addressed, urgently.

Isn't it time we got real about the harm we have already done to our planet?

And isn't it time we planned for continuing life on earth? The alternative will be democide - which is the killing of members of a country's civilian population as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.

Is that where we are heading? We will be if we do not do something about what is happening. And so far we are not.

So, democide it is right now, by default. Are you happy with that?

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