Due to the efforts of Andy Moyle, my tech guy, my new podcast called 'The Account' is heading for podcast streaming sites. These have been added so far (although Spotify takes a while to go live):
Apple and Google have been applied for but take a while to come through.
Let me know if there are others that would be useful.
And a quick poll. Andy thinks I should use some music as an introduction. I am not sure. What do you think?
Should the podcast have some music as an introduction?
- Yes (37%, 50 Votes)
- No (33%, 45 Votes)
- Anything but Vivaldi's Four Seasons (30%, 40 Votes)
Total Voters: 135
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Deezer and Tidal have a good audience reach.
I will investigate
Music can be a very nice way to make your podcast distinct and create a tone but, please, never be speaking when music is playing or fading out, as some people with hearing issues (inluding me!) have real problems listening to people speak when there’s background noise – like music. Anyway, I love your work and have done for many years, I’m really looking forward to signing up to your podcast. Solidarity!
I’d recommend a few bars of the 1st movement (allegro) of Beethoven’s String Quartet Op. 59 No. 1 ‘Razumovsky’ – it’s redolent of your positivity and energy as well as being a cracking tune – a quartet is a light, engaging sound.
That or some upbeat ragtime jazz?
Trouble is I would have to find a copyright free version
So you would – my apologies – I’ll leave it in your hands but try avoid anything involving rock guitar etc.
The ‘into’ is the first thing listeners hear and it grabs attention. Its a anchor.
A short identity theme. Five or six seconds. Always start with the same words of welcome words which cover these key elements
‘Title’ The Account
‘Host’ Richard Murphy
Host’s ‘Credential’ Political Economist’ ‘Logline’ and a short statement that ideally says something about the pod and its listeners. e.g. where independent minds examining how we fund a fairer future.
30-45 seconds for the Intro. 60 max.
At the end you’ll want a regular format for the ‘Outro’ where you restate title/logline/host and thank any guests.
Then the essential ‘call-to-action’ which might include the following:
* Funding the Future website, new discussion daily
* How to get in touch
* Subscribe to the series…weekly ebulletin
* Where listeners can find referenced material, books etc. (show notes)
* Next episode
Finally ‘Music’ repeat the intro theme.
Allow 60 -90 seconds for the outro. Engage, leave listener leave feeling they want to continue listening.
Consider an additional page on this site which lists and links to all episodes.
All good stuff
It transpires though that free music seems very far from free
So I am asking a composer…..
Pocket casts is very popular, dunno if you can add your podcast there.
Also a link to a webpage would be super useful with the ability to open in your podcast player of choice.
Looking forward to listening to the first episode
All to be looked at
Thank you
Here’s the answer : https://support.pocketcasts.com/article/submitting-podcasts/
Great News! 😉
Please add to “The Podcast Index”
If a random punter ( e.g. me ) ‘adds’ it, the chances are they will not pick the ‘original’ feed
and thus the entry created is likely to be suboptimal, increasing propogation delay, each time there is a new podcast released.
Will look
Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue (1924) is no longer in copyright.
But the recordings are…
May I suggest the Aria from Bach’s Suite No. 3, somewhat misleadingly known as the Air on a G-String.
Here is a version with a small Baroque band using period instruments, far better than the sort of sentimental arrangement for a modern symphony orchestra you are likely to hear on Classic FM:
It is on the YouTube channel of Voices of Music, a US nonprofit educational organisation, who might well let you use it, provided you acknowledge them. Their web site is:
Too slow, I am afraid
Keep on keeping on by the redskins.. classic socialist band from
the 80s..
Remember them appearing on the Tube on national TV in 84/5 and got a miner on stage to talk about their plight.. the sound got pulled after about 30 sec but great attitude
Weownit’s Thursday lunchtimes always finish with a different solidarity song. I wonder how they get round copyright, if they do. You could ask Cat what they do.
I might….
Overcast please
I am not sure I get that
No music, but perhaps a 5 or 6 second motif
Whatever you do, no music at the end of the kind to gratuitously wake you up if you’ve drifted asleep to it!!!
Pocket Cast is widely used
I will try to add it
Looking forward to hearing this on Podcast Addict.
(Preferably without music!)