The NHS is in urgent need of reform – to get rid of the legacy of the Tories

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Sky News has reported that:

Former health secretary Sajid Javid has warned that the NHS "won't survive many more years" without "fundamental reforms", urging the country to have an "honest debate" about the service.

I am quite sure Javid is opportunistically seeking to undermine the NHS, without explicitly saying he favours paid for models of care. But, I happen to agree with him. I do not think the NHS can survive in its current form and we do need an honest debate about it.

The fact is that since David Cameron promised in the 2010 general election that there would be no reform of the NHS the Tories have continually done their best to  undermine it. The Lansley 2012 reforms were an absolute disaster, which even the Tories have had to admit. The subsequent reforms are , if anything, even worse.

The result is that we do not have a national organisation in England at least, healthcare is declining, and the service is failing. So of course we need a debate. But it is not the 70 year old model of healthcare that is failing, it is the trust based model of the last 30 years that is failing.

The model of trust based care has failed. It was intended to break up the NHS. It did. It failed to recognise the necessary integral nature of care and  fractured  it instead. And it has been a bureaucratic nightmare, imposing massive admin cost on the NHS whilst undermining consistency of service.

So, what do we  need in the NHS in England? We need integrated regional health authorities responsible for all care and ancillary services in their region with paid GPs who actually work for the NHS on the frontline. There should be a focus on removing admin and paying staff appropriately. And there must be funding to make sure services can be supplied.

None of this is rocket science. It could be done. The only impediment to doing so is admitting that the government is accountable for what happens in the NHS when for thirty years this has been denied.

So yes, let's cut the crap out of the system, most of it put there by Tories, and focus instead on what is required. That's the reform that is needed.

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