Scotland needs an opposition

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Having written my article on my concerns about the SNP's plan for using sterling after independence this morning I returned to Twitter to see what was going on.

I was a little surprised to find this:

And yes, I have checked; the Professor Murphy in question is me.

As Lesley Riddoch, the well-known Scottish commentator said in the piece:

She added:

But it is her conclusion that really matters:

It's time for Scotland to address these issues, Nicola Sturgeon included.

PS Robin's piece is here, and worth reading.  It is an open secret that Robin and I get on well, as I do with Tim Rideout.

PPS: You can subscribe to the National for a year for any sum you want, starting at £1. I recommend it.

PPPS: This is not the first time I have been called the Opposition in a place where I do not live. Jersey and the Isle of Man have both afforded me that title before now.

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