Just watch it:
A historic failure pic.twitter.com/wZiQKaf8MR
— Led By Donkeys (@ByDonkeys) October 18, 2022
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If the government has been infiltrated by extremist organisations, funded by who knows whom, surely the security services should be investigating ?
By the way my solution to this would be to stop or at least limit the funding of political parties, and all funding must be publicly declared and conflicts of interest declared.
Do you think it’s a coincidence that Truss used to work for Shell and I believe one of her campaign donors was the wife of a Shell director, that she won’t tax the oil companies profits ?
As for employing think tank employees in her inner circle – it beggars belief. Where are the checks and balances to ensure we are not being infiltrated ?
The Report on Russian Interference in British politics, that Johnson did his best to block, stated that the Russians were interfering at almost every level, but that MI5, MI6, the Special Branch and the Tory Government all claimed that nothing could be said about Russian Interference with Brexit because they had all specifically decided not to investigate the matter.
Quite how this does not expose all of them to some sort of charge of malfeasance in public office is a mystery but, expect exactly the same kind of approach to all the Dark money Front organisations that run Kwarteng and Truss.
Brilliant – I love Led by Donkeys. Tufton Street is blown. But it makes me wonder what else is going on that has still to be dragged into the daylight. Pressure from big business lobbyists and powerful state representatives won’t just have been directed at the Tories.
Also there must still be a lot to come out about Brexit. I helped with the Remain campaign when I was living in a little market town that was so Tory and so absolutely for Brexit that if it had been a stick of rock it would have had Brexiteer Tory written right through it. The campaign was really demoralising – everybody seemed to think that Brexit was so self- evidently right that only an idiot would oppose it. I knew Brexit was just about de-regulation to suit The Big Greed but nobody would listen. I was and still am amazed that such an intricately complex issue as membership of the EU should have been the subject of a simple binary choice referendum. Whole teams of economists, farmers, manufacturers and politicians would struggle to fully understand all the ramifications of it if they were locked in conclave for a year.
This dumbing down of complexity should have been the basis of Mr Starmer’s argument in favour of us re-joining the Single Market. “You were conned – this should never have been the subject of a referendum – the Brexiteers broke the UK because it was to the advantage of a wealthy elite – your political will was subverted – you have been disrespected and tricked” he should be saying. And now is the ideal time to say it – but he doesn’t speak. It’s depressing – but what can you conclude but that those same pervasive market forces that inspire the Tufton set are at work here.
Brilliant. This needs to go virally viral – if such a delightful state can be achieved.
And I Iike that Professor Danny Blanchflower has tweeted who is responsible for crashing the economy:
We are of one mind on that – and working together today
I remember when danny was an economist, now it’s twitter friendly populist soundbites
And 12 academic papers this year…..
In Danny’s list of IEA advisors, I was shocked to see names of people whose work I am familiar with in other contexts. Eye-opening and disturbing. A disturbed thank you to both you and Danny for making this list public in this way.
So………………was this the plan all along – turn Truss into a disposable prime minister?
The parallels with the shock doctrine in Russia are all too clear to me.
It does not matter if leaders come and go, as long as the Chicago boys hang around.
As they will.
The Tories are not standing down are they and do you know what? They can’t.
How many skeletons are in the Tory cupboard? How many foul dealings are they hiding? What would investigations into Russian money and BREXIT reveal? Sedition. Treachery – by supposedly the most patriotic of our political parties.
Tobias Elwood was on C4 news last night talking about how chipper the Tory party was as if that is all that mattered. Charles Walker has said that the Tories have to keep going to be a party that balances and holds a Labour party to account apparently!! It doesn’t seem to matter if you have inflicted chaos on the country.
Both men are in La La Land.
And we are in a world of shit.
The Government has got to go. We must remember that that is how democracy works.
That occurred to me too, we are now satisfied with an austerity economy because the alternative was far worse.
It would be nice to hear Richard interview some of the Think Tankers, to discover their motivation, and reasoning.
Would they be interviewed?
I think some of them would be arrogant enough. You can but ask.
Or answer honestly? Or at all? Just asking.
I am sceptical that any of their officers would agree to be interviewed, although they appear to be happy to comment by tweet, but not many at that. What good would a counter-tweet do here?
If you interview one, and criticise them robustly, then no-one else will want to be interviewed. But give them a chance to “explain” their point of view, they may end up being hoist by their own petard.
I will leave someone else to do it
Given that the think-tankers from these Tufton Street groups won’t even tell us who pays them, I think it unlikely you’re going to be getting any truthful answers from them.
Unfortunately, despite this latest omnishambles, they’ll continue to wield influence for as long as the likes of the BBC invite them onto shows to give comment, often as unopposed fact, without mentioning their lack of honesty about who pays them.
Given that the management of the BBC has been captured by those on the right, I tend to think these thinktankers will continue to appear and continue to wield undeserved influence.
A nice video! We in the U.S. could use something like that.