The strangest feeling

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I had the strangest feeling yesterday afternoon. At round 4pm, when doing academic work, I suddenly realised that for the first time in four weeks I felt as if I was possessed of normal energy levels again. I can only presume that the antibiotics I am now on finally tipped the balance between my body spending its energy on simply fighting infection back towards a situation where I could engage in my normal activities again.

The strangeness was to realise that this had happened, seemingly quite suddenly.

My relief is considerable.

My thanks go to the NHS for making this possible, albeit the second time around with the antibiotics.

And I am not going to risk things, just in case. But it will be really good to get back to normal levels of activity when I have been doing less than 50 per cent for the last three weeks, and the one before that was a wipeout.

Whoever says Covid is over is a liar.

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