I had the strangest feeling yesterday afternoon. At round 4pm, when doing academic work, I suddenly realised that for the first time in four weeks I felt as if I was possessed of normal energy levels again. I can only presume that the antibiotics I am now on finally tipped the balance between my body spending its energy on simply fighting infection back towards a situation where I could engage in my normal activities again.
The strangeness was to realise that this had happened, seemingly quite suddenly.
My relief is considerable.
My thanks go to the NHS for making this possible, albeit the second time around with the antibiotics.
And I am not going to risk things, just in case. But it will be really good to get back to normal levels of activity when I have been doing less than 50 per cent for the last three weeks, and the one before that was a wipeout.
Whoever says Covid is over is a liar.
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So glad you seem now to be fully recovered. So much keeps being discovered about this virus and its longer term consequences, that the precautionary principle is indicated.
Yet we are doing little or nothing to reduce the rate of transmssion. The self styled ‘ naked scientist’ Chris Smith – Cambridge – on Radio 5 late night ( a regular contributor as ‘the expert’), suggested it’s inexorably subsiding to ‘a cold’, no mention of 2m with long covid, and 22K deaths this year.
You have done so much while at 50% – keep well.
I have never rated him
If this is a cold I am French
And since when did those with colds occupy 10% or more of our hospital beds?
He seems to be one of the ‘stooge’ group – who never actually challenge the ‘let it rip’ policy , and never call explicitly for more mitigations – such a clean air in schools, transport and work places and masking where appropriate, vaccinating the unvaccinated etc.
They do air their concerns about waning immunity , new variants, but always leave the overall message of reassurance -‘its all getting milder’ etc etc. Group also seems to include includes Profs. Sridhar, Edmunds, Tyldesley, Hunter, Semple, Pollard , van-Tam , Woolhouse, Finn , Spiegelhalter etc etc.
Unlike the Independent Sage group who are prepared to follow through the science with advice on mitigation – Profs Pillay, McKee, Michie, Altmann, Costello, Friston, Griffin, Haque, Katzourakis, Oni, Pagel, Reicher, Salisbury, Scally, Yates, Cruickshank, Greenhalgh, Kane, Robertson
I trust that group
“Whoever says Covid is over is a liar.”
Don’t think anyone said that..more we have to deal with it instead of constantly locking down parts of our life. You have dealt with it. Most people I know recently have been less impacted than you with the effects of covid. Maybe it might prompt a holistic assessment of lifestyle like losing weight and more exercise? That would definitely help reduce the effects of covid.
Respectfully, my BMI is not bad, and I can walk 10 miles without stress, and take vastly more exercise than is normal for my age
But more importantly, why do you think we should live with excess deaths of maybe 1,000 a week and 10% or more of hospital beds taken up by Covid, helping create a massive cancer crisis? How is that ‘living with this?’ Isn’t it more like killing people when simple things like wearing decent masks, compulsorily, and requiring decent ventilation could solve much of this?
Why, in other words, do you hate people so much?
wearing a mask will change very little.. bit silly and goading to accuse me of hating people
The evidence is overwhelming that if we want Covid R below 1 masks make a massive difference
Obvious to all except those who hate people, that is
Good news, Richard. You are needed more than ever.
The aim is to be fully operational again by the end of the week, all going well
Absolutely. I’m so glad to know that you are feeling more yourself.
As someone who has had ME/CFS for several years and often felt hopeless due to lack of energy I am in awe of all you’ve achieved while being at only 50%!
I feel more hopeful and less isolated, thanks to successive, amazing GP’s and other NHS people, my patient, understanding family and the few friends that have been able to stay the course with me.
Also your output, that of my fellow followers here and their recommendations; Indie Sage; Roy Lilley; Novara Media, George Monbiot and a few other such voices (seeming to be less “wild”, or is that just me clinging to unwarranted optimism?)have helped keep me grounded.
You being fully operational is something I’m looking forward to too.
And good luck with your condition
That’s good news all round and I hope you stay that way.
So far, so good
Good news indeed. Bonne continuation, as we say here
Keep Our NHS Public has just published its final report of the People’s Covid Inquiry. A copy has been sent to the Met, accusing the government of misconduct in public office.
Here’s hoping something comes of it. If anyone has any spare cash they need £3000 to publish more copies. Here’s a copy of their initial findings, produced last December.