I believe in democracy. And the Tory party leadership campaign is the perfect explanation for why we need the widest possible franchise of those able to vote. As the Tory candidates tack ever more right-ward in their desperate attempt to capture the votes of ageing, white, privileged males whose primary concern in life is keeping others in their place - which is below them in their own opinion - we see all the dangers of making decisions on the basis of too narrowly defined interests.
But, there again, this is exactly what the Tory Party is now all about. Pack the Lords. Make it as hard as possible for ordinary people to vote. Hand the power to decide the date of an election to the Prime Minister, alone. Reduce the power of local authorities. Deny the right of nation states to determine their own future. Exercise control by lying. Corrupt the state to support the lies. Reward your buddies come what may. Line up riches after office. This is the anti-democratic party that wants to perpetuate its right to govern forever, believing as they do that they have a natural superiority that affords them the right to do so.
And what do we have as an Opposition? A party that will not practically support the right to strike when the two Tory leadership candidates say that they want to constrict it again.
I have mentioned feeling exhausted this morning. I think it's Covid that is causing that. But the desperate state of UK politics may not be helping, because we are in a very dangerous place.
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Our only hope is if between now and the next election that the Tories make things much worse – which they will. It’s thin gruel I know but that might be when people truly wake up.
If we are honest about it, it’s our wonderful private sector markets that make things look much better than they are.
The holiday adverts all over our media – even in the Guardian.
The car adverts advertising cars on empty roads that have emission standards designed by the manufacturers.
Tele shopping (Jesus – have you ever seen one of them – ugh!!!).
The latest property based TV show pushing up house prices and pricing people out of the market.
These are just a few examples of the Never-ending Bullshit Machine that tells us to carry on as we are, everything is going to be OK. As long as your credit history is fine of course.
And if you’re depressed, just nip out to buy a new car, book a holiday or nip down to B&Q to get that new kitchen to cheer yourself up. Oh and to help take your mind off the nasty Tories and craven Labour party, they’ll even spy where you go on social media in order to prompt you into doing this stuff to keep you an occupied and productive unit (in other words consuming as much as possible).
Fatiguing? Oh yes – and its not just people, it’s the planet too that’s feeling tired.
The last is so true
This struck a chord with this morning’s offering from the Parody Project: ‘For the Crimes they are Arranging’… while they may be different actions (if not crimes in the true meaning of the word), too close to home for comfort.
I’m sure your work is not wasted. It still means something as it does to those who come here to support. Even if all it does is prove to future generations that some of us cared and were aware and tried – then that is something.
You’ve been standing up – and not been bowing on your knees to orthodoxy.
Oh, certainly not wasted. Hugely appreciated the input to the SSRG Conference at the weekend. Tim Rideout and Richard have such an important role in what lies ahead in these parts, as we try and extricate our Nation from this mess. And a copy of Tim’s Report will be going into our local Yes Hub this week.
I agree with all this comment – but additionally the most dangerous part of all this is the way in which a large proportion of our media is willing either to buy into it, under the facade of respectability (papers like the Telegraph, the Express and the Daily Mail) or to ignore or fail to challenge it (especially the BBC News programmes).
We are faced with constant campaigns of lies, misinformation, bias, secrecy, open corruption, intolerance, divisiveness and pure gaslighting – a form of collective extreme right wing propaganda and abusive control which is very difficult to fight against. It seems that the only way left for the population to confront these abuses is civil protest – which has to be on a massive and organized scale.
Mark Lynch has made a start with the unions but much more needs to be done in order to turn back the tide of kleptocracy which is threatening to engulf and destroy our once fine and much admired democracy.
Richard, never underestimate the difference that people like you make in changing people’s opinions and ideas.
Despite their ownership of the British media the stupidity and dishonesty of Tory ideology has been relentlessly exposed and they can only maintain their power by ever increasing dishonesty and corruption,
At some point the dam will break.
Have just read Toibin’s the Magician about the life of Thomas Mann. A salutary reminder of how a civilsied cuturally and scientifically advanced semi-democratic society can succumb to Nazism/- fascism . Ours is much less overt, much less crudely expressed , much more subtle – but all the elements are there.
Richard, I have found your blog educational, inspirational and indeed essential reading over quite a few years now. I have been very pleased to introduce others to it and have made various presentations about public debt and paying for the pandemic based on your postings (which I fully accredit and refer to) and the further reading which I have been prompted to do by what you write. You are a pretty big rock dropped into a lake and the ripples you cause keep spreading; you make a much bigger difference than i suspect you realise.
May you keep going for many years to come.
It’s not just the tories who are disenfranchising people. I have been reading this morning about what has been happening in Liverpool to Ian Byrne. Ian Byrne was voted the best MP last year. Obviously Starmer and friends don’t like that.
Just so depressing.
I have seen he is questioning what is happening
There may not be another election. Boris may pack the Lords preparatory to repealing the Quinquennial act.