The UK’s far right will be rubbing their hands in glee at the opportunity war in Ukraine provides to them. Unless we act now our own democracy is at very real risk.

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We are at war and most UK politicians appear to be in denial about that fact. That worries me, because the consequences are enormous.

It can, of course, be said that this is Putin's war. And, of course, it is. It would not be happening without him. But let's also be clear. This is not only his war. He has allies.

Internationally Russia has support for what it is doing, and not just from the usual culprits like Belarus and Notth Korea. There are others who are all too keen on the maintenance of fiercely oppressive regimes that show scant regard for human rights who are happy to support him.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE are at the forefront of these, and just happen to be willing to help him by restricting oil supplies.

These two are not alone though. India may not be far behind.

And quite where China stands s hard to guess since it can pursue its own agendas, but it too is far from friendly towards western democracy.

Add these alliances up and Putin is not alone in the world. Add into the mix the many developing countries who are dance sitting and have no great love for the vestiges of western imperialism from which they still suffer, and for which few apologies have been given, and to presume that the world is united against Putin would be a dangerous assumption to make.

That, however, may not be be biggest threat we have to worry about. The real threat in the UK, the US and maybe elsewhere might be domestic. To ignore the reality of the Putin - Trump - Johnson - Farage axis right now would be very dangerous.

Trump is still expressing his admiration for Putin. That he shares Putin's contempt for democracy, truth and human rights is also apparent.

Meanwhile, embeddedness of Russia within the Conservative Party and its pantheon of support has now became plain for all to see. The extension of that influence into the City can no longer be disguised. That we have a government that has been profoundly linked to Putin is beyond doubt.

Farage was openly questioning what he framed as the injustice of sanctions on oligarchs on GB News last night. His support for Putin has always been as clear as Trump's.

But past support is not the threat we face now. The threat is to come. It is easy to see how this will unfold.

This war will, unless radical action is taken, lead to a massive cost of living crisis in the UK, USA, and beyond. Biden is already saying there is nothing he can do about this. Politicians here would appear to be of similar mind, although that there is nothing they can do is not true (and there is a blog to come on this). But for now what matters is that they think this. That is enough for the Putin - Far right - Farage axis to swing into action.

As is always the case with fascists, the narrative that they will spin will be simple. They will be saying that the pressure on the cost of living in the UK is all down to sanctions. It is not, of course. Brexit and Covid are also major factors. But truth was never a matter of concern to them.

Then they will say that we are suffering these sanctions to support a neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine. We are not, of course. There are neo-Nazis  in Ukraine, but no more than here, and maybe less.

And then they will play the blatant racist card, which is that not only are we suffering a cost of living crisis as a result but that refugees will flood the country if this continues. This will be closely linked to a suggestion that all these refugees will be taking away people's jobs.

So, they will claim that parties committed to democracy are selling the UK short, all to support eastern Europeans who, they will claim, are in any event Russian in many cases (again, not true).

What will they propose? The plan will be typically simple. It will be:

1. Peace with Russia.

2. Agreement to Russian occupation of Ukraine.

3. An end to sanctions.

4. Support for the exclusion of the Baltic states from the EU and NATO.

5. A demand for the demilitarisation of Finland, and maybe Sweden too.

6. An end to net-zero and climate change measures as fossil fuel is burned to restore energy supplies.

7. A ban on refugees, and a possible enforced return of those from Ukraine to that country, which will now be declared peaceful.

The plan will not, of course, address the real concerns of ordinary people in the UK, but then that will never be its intention. The plan will exist to let the far right take power without the intention of conceding it again, which is a point we have already seen to have been nearly reached by Johnson.

The democrats in the UK need to wake up to this. The plan is easy to imagine. It is easy to anticipate that as the cost of living escalates in this country it could be delivered with an initially willingly compliant electorate supporting it. Fascists usually get to power via the ballot box.

Unless the UK's democrats react now we could lose to this agenda, so easily.

What to do? That is really for another blog, but a taster here will do.

First, recognise we are at war. Demand a national government as a result. The opportunity for this is short, but exists.

Second, put in place price controls on energy, food and other critical supplies.

Third, work with other democracies to ensure each of them has access to essential supplies at real cost, not those promoted by market speculation.

Fourth, ban profiteering.

Fifth, introduce wartime taxation measures that are sharply redistributive, as was the case in World War 2. Those with broadest shoulders and the greatest gains from democracy must be seen to pay more for this.

Sixth, consider rationing to ensure the needs of all are really met at prices they can afford.

Seventh, appreciate that debt is not an issue. Money is always available to do anything of which we are capable.

Eighth, work with other countries in alliance to fight fascism.

Populism can be beaten. But right now its chances of victory are rising by the day. And so far democratic politicians are showing no awareness of this. As a result I am very worried.

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