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I started reading too quickly, and thought your top tweet was about our very own ‘leader’.
Monday morning thoughts: posted to some comrades this morning:
Lying in bed a thought came to me: “I wonder what it was like living in a one-party state like East Germany?”
With almost no exceptions, the UK has been a one party state since 1979 (& one could argue – before that).
The security apparatus is very well developed and substantive dissent is not allowed (police spies living with suspects etc etc…..)
You have the same levels of propaganda from private propaganda orgs, with citizens either groomed to think all is well or sullenly compliant.
Gov mistakes are covered up or simply ignored.
The uppers do quite well for themselves – the lowers are regarded as scum.
Educational attainment is largely a function of where you sit in the party structure and/or which school you went to (a function of money).
The ruling party has purges from time to time – party heads come and go – but things remain the same.
There is a super power that calls the shots – but provided things are stable, treats the country as a poodle.
Welcome to The United East Germany Kingdom.
Which raises the question – absent movements such as the Protestant church – which was one element leading to the overthrow of the East German state – what will result in change in the UK? Replacing Fatberg-Honecker with B.Liarite Starmer will have little impact – the tory propaganda arms will remain. I note that the ruling party is now putting trusted hands into positions of control in state propaganda orgs.
Furthermore, being an island makes it easier to control the population.
I think my comparison is valid & my conclusions are that the only way to implement the substantial changes needed is ……………..
answers on a postcard.
New rules for MI5 and police to authorise crimes
Which agencies will be able to authorise secret crimes?
MI5 and other intelligence bodies
Police forces and the National Crime agency
Immigration and Border Officers
HM Revenue and Customs, Serious Fraud Office
UK military forces
Ministry of Justice (investigations in prisons)
Competition and Markets Authority, Environment Agency, Financial Conduct Authority, Food Standards Agency, Gambling Commission and Medicines and Healthcare Regulation Authority
Bless the IFS my son:
I think that the only way out of this mess is when a certain group in society have had enough. I just hope its the progressives and not the hard right but I suspect the rise of the hard right will actually be the catalyst itself in some way.
The view I keep hearing is that these jobs would have gone anyway in due course due to rises in technology and BREXIT adjustment.
That sort of thinking – sort of Panglossian – ‘Oh it’s all natural and God’s will etc.,’ or what Adam Curtis calls ‘Oh Dearism’ is all too prevalent in this Government. But it would be – we have a bunch of people in charge who do NOT believe in the State, running the State – they want to bind its hands and keep it weak and ineffective.
On top of that, Boris and Co create fear about the so-called ‘debt’; UKIP create the fear on immigration.
I think one of the more worrying things I am seeing is people like Charles Moore and Paul Dacre being associated with the BBC- an appalling prospect.
I’d like to see the BBC privatised to be honest with the public service remit sat heavily on its shoulders and other providers. Instead, what we’d get is what we’ve had with Covid – private provision of track and trace deliberately labelled as NHS so that NHS gets the rap for bad private performance.
A BBC ran by Moore and Dacre would be nothing but a Boris reinforcing mouth piece – worse than it is now, doing what the Tories claim it does for the Left but doing it for Boris only instead – which is OK for Boris and Dom of course.
As the Hard Right gather steam, their reactionary behaviour will start to cause reactions from the progressives and the Left – then we will see what happens and many of us may have to add up what we are prepared to lose in order to do something about it.
Or we’ll go off quietly into the night……………………..
the Hard Right gather steam, their reactionary behaviour will start to cause reactions from the progressives and the Left — then we will see what happens and many of us may have to add up what we are prepared to lose in order to do something about it.