We have to acknowledge the fact that we have a corrupt government, here in the UK

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I posted a series of comments on Twitter this morning with a common theme, as seems to be my habit these days. On this occasion I think there were no changes between my drafts and those that actually went out, so I will share them as drafted. The lines are in the drafting: they break the thread into roughly 280 character segments, but each has to also to some degree stand in its own right.


I have spent my life trying to create things. Things that I have hoped would be of value. Our government does not do that. It wants to win by destroying things of value until we're confused enough to give it what it wants, which is control despite the cost to us of doing so.


Normal arguments don't work with this government. They know they're no good. And they know they can't deliver what's needed. But they don't care because they've got power, and that's all they need for what they want, which is enrichment for them and their friends.


We are used to political incompetence in the UK. But what we're not used to is corrupt government. In the UK we believe government is about using power for the common good. In that case using the power of government for self-interest is corrupt. And that's what's happening.


How do we deal with having a corrupt government in the UK? The first thing to do is name it. Don't say it is hopeless, or incompetent, or gaff-prone, because it is none of those things. It's corruptly using power to advance the self-interest of those running it. It is corrupt.


I have spent many years working with those who address government corruption, mainly in developing countries. It's made me aware of the warning signs. And now we have them in the UK. Brexit and the pandemic have let this government grab the power that permits corruption in the UK.


The idea that we have a corrupt government in the UK, seeking only to perpetuate its power to benefit a few of its friends, is shocking. Shocking enough that as yet the ideas required to oppose it hardly exist, but that's exactly what they're exploiting to consolidate their power.


It's always our right to decide how we will look at things. So we have the right to decide whether we have a government that has failed the standards we expect, and so is corrupt. We can also decide that Opposition politicians should be saying this, and to demand that they do.


As the UK descends into chaos this autumn, with unemployment and company failure becoming commonplace, remember this won't be by chance. This is the government's plan, from which they intend to profit. Say so. Call them out. Get angry. We have the right to make them accountable.


In the face of corruption - of a government working for the self interest of those within it and their friends - we have to be accountable. We must respond to the havoc they desire by demanding order, accountability and ethical conduct. We must live by the standard we demand.


Just for the record, I don't think tackling a corrupt government in the UK will be easy. But we have a choice. We tackle it, name it, and confront it. Or we give in to the consequences of giving a clique the power to govern us corruptly. It's not a choice really, is it?

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