This is worth listening to:
It's worth noting that Mark Blyth has revised his position on MMT since I wrote this about his book Angrynomics in late June. I understand that the change of heart is real.
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Blyth changing his mind is a great relief. I was worried that he was going to go down the rabbit hole like some others when they come into contact with MMT.
Do you think there is appetite for crowdfunding the purchase of the Deficit Myth to send to all MPs along with an accompanying email/letter? I think PSR mentioned this idea first. By the time we got the money together, we could buy the cheaper paper back edition, due out in March 2021. We could look at getting it via a wholesaler rather than Amazon.
Put it up
I would promote it…..
That’s good news about Mark Blyth if true, I thought he still belonged to the dark side – I’m sure I saw a dodgy quote by him recently, but can’t remember where now (and don’t know how old the quote was, for that matter).
I watched tons of his lectures to learn about economics and found him really easy to listen to, very engaging (when not too drunk), so I have a fondness for him, and his ideas about austerity etc seemed to me to lead naturally on to MMT, but I’m no expert. We just need to get him to see the light on Scottish independence now. Dundonians though, hard to get them to change their minds.
His book Angrynomics, out this year, us very dismissive of MMT
Heard him recently, on Radio Scotland GMS Saturday am slot. Didn’t hear all so might have been promoting the book you mention or just because Dundonian Scot abroad does good!
Some of the things he was talking about struck me as being towards the social responsibility end of MMT and quite radical about some of the social ills inherent in western societies today. But, others were less aligned with MMT thinking and got me wondering more about him and his position.
Found his website but was disappointed 1) wasn’t up-to-date, last content added was 2014, 2) what was there was extremely difficult to read due to 3) the design/layout was out-the-box with no thought given to readability, the font size too small to be accessible and 4) a number of the links to content returned 404 page not found errors.
It turned me off from finding out more so it is good to hear, after listening to the podcast, that he seems to have had a Road to Damascus moment and now on-board with MMT.
Maybe, a bit cynical, but given your critique of the book, some of his comments on GMS, his lack of interest in maintaining his website and now his apparent acceptance of MMT, he might be more opportunist than true convert.
I sincerely hope he’s not if for no other reason than being a fellow scot!