Not much has changed since the 1990s when it comes to Euro-scepticism. This was recorded during the Major years by John Bird and John Fortune:
And for those lacking a sense of humour, please go and find one before commenting.
Hat tip to: (No, on second thoughts, I'll save his blushes).
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Classic stuff.
It looks so innocent when compared to what came next!!
Their episode on the ‘sub-prime crisis’ was also an astute commentary. “They were credited with being one of the first to predict the seriousness of the financial crisis of 2007—2008.” (Wiki)
We need more well-crafted satire. Good to hear ‘Spitting Image’ is being resurrected.
I recall that one too. Fascinating Aida do good one too.
The other brilliant comment remains “What did the Romans do for us” which is a great analysis of the EU/ UK relationship.
Ha, brilliant thanks Richard, that was so funny (just what I needed) – and just so,,, accurate.
By the way, England still hasn’t been passed as free from BSE, Scotland and NI can sent their coos anywhere now though. Just saying.