I loved this from the Jersey Evening Post this morning: We’ve long known that! This was the home of the Sark Lark, for heaven’s sake.
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The OECD’s tax plans reallocate taxable profits to wealthy countries
I share this post from the Tax Justice Network, published by them this morning, which shows (amongst other things) the value of country-by-country reporting, even
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Tax justice and modern monetary theory
In the light of my previous post on tax and modern monetary theory I thought it worth sharing again the podcast I made with John
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From modern monetary theory to modern taxation theory: a debate to be had
I had a paper published by the Real World Economic Review in the last few days. This is on modern monetary theory and taxation. The
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The EU needs to offer the UK an extension
As the days – and even hours now – tick down towards Brexit deadlines there appears one obvious solution available to the EU that I
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