Tomorrow is the day when May has to decide. The can is surely running out of road. By Saturday morning she has to be able to instruct advisers what will be in the White Paper on Brexit due out next week. And given that the option has to be both acceptable to the EU and resolve the situation in Northern Ireland whilst, for her sake, let her say we have left the EU, the Norway plus, or Jersey option as it has been called, is the only show in town that works.
But this will provoke massive Brexiteer backlash.
So here is the question: who will have quit the Cabinet by Monday?
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None of them.
Brexit hard or soft doesn’t matter to them. They are well enough financially insulated it doesn’t matter to them, and they like their high staus positions.
These are the people who know just how cushy it is living on State Benefits.
When a Moral Imperative meets a Material Interest on a bridge wide enough for but one to pass, the Moral Imperative gets its feet wet. (Ambrose Bierce said that, so it must be true.)
Gove. He’s even more narcissistic than Johnson. Also after talking good at Environment he’s burnt his bridges by authorising a Raven cull in England. Completely out of touch with English people, we hate the toffs slaughtering our wildlife. That last comment was for the cabinet not just Gove.
’twas brillig and the slimy Gove…..
He’ll go nowhere unless he’s pretty sure May is on her way out PDQ. I don’t see any guarantee of that. Unless JRM has a taste for creative destruction. How reckless is he ?
Tories don’t traditionally reward regicide.
Once the ravens are driven from the Tower of London, the English kingdom will fall.
We would do better to cull the bloody sheep. They are a menace. Since the Iron Age we have denuded our lands of trees for charcoal and firewood and pit props and the sheep have dutifully nibbled away the regrowth of our forests. They infest the rural landscape like little fat maggots devouring our future prosperity and the very essence of the life-cycle that sustains us.
As TH White observed Ravens are one of the few bird species which appear to stunt fly for the sheer joy of it.
There shall be no joy allowed in the neo-liberal Right world order. It is forbidden to all but the wealthiest.
Some clarity needs to brought into the Brexit Riddle to help focus minds. It is all about imports whether people or goods and services and the inalienable right to seek well-being as a social grouping in the form of a country. With the majority of EU citizens having English as their second language they have an unfair trading advantage when it comes to economic migration. When it comes to global trading particularly of goods there is much cheating whether it’s currency or taxation manipulation or direct subsidy. It would seem to be an inalienable right for a country therefore to ensure it maximises self-sufficiency and optimises employment and consequently incomes for its citizens. Any membership of a trading club means it must abide by any trading restrictions only up to the point that it does not violate the inalienable right I’ve stated. In the case of the UK, excluding the issue of EU economic migration, it should welcome the opportunity to trade in a no-tariff club like the EU and not lightly discard it because its decision making structure is one of equals in principle. It should not, however, accept that its right to increase tariffs against non-EU countries be restricted.
Who will quit?
You ascribe honour upon people who have none. Not one of them. All of them are so ideologically blind as to be obdurate. They will slug it out of course whilst the country goes to the dogs.
And like the vultures they are, they will feast well on the carcass of our economy that is left behind.
The Night of the Furious Gammon beckons.
Or who will have been sacked? Are we seeing the denouement of Cameron’s gutless response to a bunch of anti-EU bullies who should have been faced down told to shut up or leave the Party and the hubris of promising the sop of an in-out referendum that he was stupid enough to think was a safe bet. And the whole shambolic edifice collapses, May resigns and Mogg…..
May looks pretty evil to me. What about the chance of a night of the long knives? With Gove apparently public favourite as her replacement I wish I was leaving the country on Monday. Boris will get the push and she will bring in Rees-Mogg. He looks like Ray Allen’s Lord Charles and she may think she can manipulate him in the same way. There was no sense in the referendum and the current madness makes it hard to make bets.
Today’s Guardian article revealing that only 6% of MP’s and Peers have bothered to check out the impact papers reveals the sorry state the country’s in:-
For what cause, save that the fired minister sees some personal advantage in it?
Also: beware of criticising a ‘failure’ that the perpetrator and their party praise as a success, amongst themselves.
Nile says:
“Also: beware of criticising a ‘failure’ that the perpetrator and their party praise as a success, amongst themselves.”
Ah yes! Nile.
The conspirators always claim it was ‘cock-up’, not conspiracy when their plans appear to falter. They clothe themselves in an air of naive stupidity to hide their wickedness.
Of course sometimes they really are just being stupid, but it’s not easy to differentiate.
Who will quit? I don’t know. To quit one would need to have principles.
However, I have a question on the Jersey option.
How does one separate services from goods?
Financial services are clear to see but many manufacturers these days rely on large service elements on their contracts eg. Lift and escalator suppliers with servicing agreements, car manufacturers who offer in house credit facilities etc.
In a piece on the BBC News website yesterday, Chris Morris wrote of Rolls Royce, “Take a company like Rolls-Royce – one of the UK’s largest manufacturing businesses. It is best known for making things like aircraft engines in particular (Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is now a wholly owned subsidiary of BMW).
But in 2017, while 48% of Rolls-Royce’s revenue in civil aerospace was generated by what it calls original equipment (goods), 52% was generated by services.
A majority of the company’s profit also comes from after-sales services such as long-term maintenance contracts on aircraft engines worldwide, rather than from the sale of the engines themselves.”
Not unlike with old Hoover bags and rubber drive replacements, or printer ink. Buy a stairlift and one is inundated with calls and junk mail about insuring maintenance at high cost when Joe Spanner will do a good job at 20%. How long do big margins in services last in “free-trade” conditions? With finance costing more than materials and labour in a bridge build, how long before the financial services element succumbs to “pressure on costs”? Without trying to be theoretical, British lecturers once got well-paid abroad and have been largely replaced by much cheaper English speaking staff from South Asia and so on. It’s quite possible markets in services may be under the same pressures now as, say, post-ww2 shipbuilding in Britain. I don’t know of course, but have almost no reliable definition of them as a business lecturer.
[…] ruse that no self-respecting Brexiteer would be able to swallow it. Richard Murphy suggested yesterday that the main question to be asked is “Who will have quite the Cabinet by […]