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“Bespoke Finance”
The upper-classes hire purchase?
They’re welcome to them!
Doubt they’ll be ‘avin’ the provi’ guy around tho’
Interesting that it`s left hand drive. I suppose they know their market.
Is car finance the last vestige or expression of the credit machine?
If not, where will be the next area to be financialsed and used as a means of giving consumers access to more credit to enable them to buy more stuff and keep the capitalist machine going?
If so, them as I see it everyone is maxed out credit wise, wages are not going to rise anytime soon, so where is the money coming from to finance capitalisms insatiable appetite to sell consumers more stuff?
Student debt is much worse
Does anon think this is going to be paid back?
If not {& this is one for Richard, shouldn’t it be heavily discounted in the National figures? I’m a bit rusty on my accountancy but I thought you were meant to write down debts to a recoverable level}
Not under current accounting rules, although moves are afoot to restore this sane accounting treatment
My son-on-law works in the Rolls Royce Goodwood factory.
His ‘take’ on the new Rolls Royces? Buy Bentley if you can afford it – or Mercedes or BMW (oh yes, they own the RR factory, don’t they?). But don’t expect a luxury car, even if you’re paying luxury car prices, because RR just don’t send out the expected quality any more.