It is only fair I look at what John McDonnell said in his speech today, having said we do more than a new fiscal rule
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Some people like to pay Fair Tax
The UK’s tax competitiveness
The FT reports this morning that: Britain has failed to regain its top slot in a league table of multinationals’ favourite tax regimes in Europe,
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As I see it: the political divide
The post I have just written on John McDonnell’s proposed fiscal plan has within it the kernel of the message that does, for me, suggest
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We need more than a fiscal rule
I criticised Dan Jarvis’ economic plan yesterday, and I think rightly so. I am hoping that John McDonnell’s plan, to be announced today, makes more
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Critical analysis is a necessary part of any process of change
I admit some people did not like what I wrote about Dan Jarvis yesterday. Most were on Twitter. Most misread or seeingly misunderstood what I
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Just don’t say it too loudly, but this is People’s Quantitative Easing on its way
The FT reports this morning: The housing association London & Quadrant has launched a partnership with the Greater London Authority to build 10,800 homes at
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