Why are tax justice campaigners being denied visas to visit the UK?

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The Independent reports this morning that:

Campaigners, journalists and academics from around the world are being refused permission to enter the UK to speak at conferences and events, including debates at the House of Commons.

A spate of visa denials in recent months has prevented academics from giving lectures on human rights, while tax justice campaigners have been blocked from speaking at the Houses of Parliament.

As the report continues:

Campaigners, journalists and academics from around the world are being refused permission to enter the UK to speak at conferences and events, including debates at the House of Commons.

The problem was highlighted this month when the tax justice campaigner Reverend Suzanne Matale, a respected activist from Zambia, was forced to cancel her appearance at a meeting organised by Christian Aid in the House of Commons after struggling to secure a visa.

What I would like to know is what is so wrong with asking that corporations pay the right amount of tax in the right place, at the right rate and at the right time that these people cannot be allowed access to the UK?

It's a serious question.

It needs a serious answer.

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