I loved this tweet yesterday:If only it were true.
Jersey’s economic wasteland enjoys a one-off dead-cat bounce
The Jersey Evening Post had a headline yesterday that read: Jersey’s economy beats rest of Europe As exercises in wishful thinking go this is a pretty
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Osborne’s crack down on non-doms is a sham
The FT’s reported this morning that (and I make no apology for quoting at length): George Osborne’s plans to tighten tax rules for wealthy foreigners
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Will Osborne go for the tax gap?
I have already noted this morning that David Cameron is desperately playing his anti-tax haven line again. This may not be by chance. Something co-ordinated
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Of tax havens, tax evasion and desperate Prime Ministers
The Guardian has a headline this morning that says: David Cameron says not enough is being done to tackle tax evasion Prime minister says he
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