I have the following article on the City AM website this morning: . Jeremy Corbyn is rumoured to be leading in the Labour Party’s leadership
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Tax for our times
I was invited by the Fabians to contribute a chapter on the governance of HMRC for their new book on tax: You can download it
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What use the tax gap? A defence of a key element in #Corbynomics
Jolyon Maugham wrote a blog with the first part of the above title yesterday afternoon. It was quite explicitly an attack on Jeremy Corbyn’s use
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The RBS sale: a tale of opportunity lost
RBS is to begin its return to the private sector. Way back in October 2008 I suggested it should be fully nationalised instead. I stick to
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People’s QE could consign PFI to history
I spent a lot of time yesterday talking about what Jeremy Corbyn has called People’s Quantitative Easing, which I had previously called Green Infrastructure Quantitative Easing. I
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The slowest recovery
My friend Geoff Tily, who is chief economist at the TUC, did some number crunching on the state of the recovery that was published yesterday.
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